
Showing posts from January, 2024

Anger: an Intense Desire for Things to be Different

Anger: an Intense Desire for Things to be Different You wanted to be the mom that was always present and involved. You wanted to be the mom that showed up to every game, tournament, and performance. You wanted to be the mom that provided opportunities. You wanted to be the mom who gave gifts. Perhaps you're that mom, but it still doesn't seem like enough. You wanted to be the person who never drank. You wanted to be the person who never did drugs. You wanted to be the responsible one with money. You wanted to be the one who paid all bills on time. You thought you'd be the one who always had good credit. You wanted to be the one to say "I got it." You wanted to be the one to say "I got you." You wanted to be the epitome of health. You wanted to be the person with a happy, healthy marriage. You wanted to be the one who "made it." You wanted to be the one who created beautiful music and movement that everyone loved. You wanted to be the one perfor...


 Automatic writing is like a gift of freedom. This gift of freedom is present when engaging in any creative medium that has no end goal. I feel completely unencumbered. I want this feeling in everything I do in life. I feel that sensation with my breath. And while it may be as free as can be, I choose to appreciate it rather than take it for granted. Would I take life for granted if I lived completely free and unencumbered? I think not. What does it mean to take something for granted? To not appreciate it? To not energize it completely? To not mold it into its greatest potential? Well, I choose to appreciate my life. I choose to energize my life completely. I choose to mold my life into its greatest potential which is my dream. I'd say that living in that way is freedom and it takes nothing for granted. The moment I begin to judge myself is the moment a mask appears. I would rather be my true self and know who genuinely likes me than be a false self for the sake of pleasing the jud...

How to cultivate joyful, organized focus.

How to Cultivate Joyful, Organized Focus:  An Arts Integrated* Lesson for Homeschool Teachers      *(Lesson includes integrated art modalities such as visual arts, literature, and performance arts.) Objective: Joyful, organized focus. Outcome: Task completion.  Narrative: After assigning the task to "go within" or in other words, taking a few moments each day to engage in solitude and breath work or meditation, we are now reflecting on the experience. Teacher is to award themself one point each time this task is complete. Encouragement was provided to complete the organization of one specific area of the home to provide an outward visual of what is developing within. The objective is organization within and without.  Spiritual Connection: Exploration of "on earth as it is in heaven" where heaven is a state of mind and earth is our 3-D reality. (Matthew 6:10) Self-Reflection Exercise: Teacher may choose any creative modality they are drawn to in respons...