Faith is the Only How
Faith is the ONLY How. Christian doctrines often teach the idea that we are blind. But the truth we must learn to step into is that we were once blind and NOW WE SEE. "It is with the renewing of our mind that we prove the good, acceptable, perfect will of God." Romans 12:2 Without renewing our minds, we are indeed blind. But how ? If you've read the posts on this blog from its onset in 2022, you'll notice my desperate, endless search for the answers to a number of how questions. I wandered and wondered how will I survive off of my artistic gifts? How will I make money? How will I cure my OCD, so I stop getting in my own way? How can I beat imposter syndrome? Notice that every how is proceeded by a negative idea in the mind. An idea that goes against success, health, and wealth. That's because when we ask how , we deny the fact of the whole matter. Read that again please. When we ask how , we deny the fact of the whole matter . matter...