Faith is the Only How

Faith is the ONLY How. 

Christian doctrines often teach the idea that we are blind. But the truth we must learn to step into is that we were once blind and NOW WE SEE. "It is with the renewing of our mind that we prove the good, acceptable, perfect will of God." Romans 12:2 Without renewing our minds, we are indeed blind. 

But how?

If you've read the posts on this blog from its onset in 2022, you'll notice my desperate, endless search for the answers to a number of how questions. I wandered and wondered how will I survive off of my artistic gifts? How will I make money? How will I cure my OCD, so I stop getting in my own way? How can I beat imposter syndrome? Notice that every how is proceeded by a negative idea in the mind. An idea that goes against success, health, and wealth. That's because when we ask how, we deny the fact of the whole matter. Read that again please. When we ask how, we deny the fact of the whole matter

matter (n.)

c. 1200, materie, "the subject of a mental act or a course of thought, speech, or expression," from Anglo-French matere, Old French matere "subject, theme, topic; substance, content; character, education" (12c., Modern French matière) and directly from Latin materia "substance from which something is made," also "hard inner wood of a tree." According to de Vaan and Watkins, this is from mater "origin, source, mother" (see mother (n.1)).

The fact of the whole matter is that it is already done. We are already on that whole ball of matter we endearingly call Gaia, moving through space at a miraculous speed in an extraordinary way. Everything that can ever happen here has already happened and all things must be possible for us to exist in the first place. Dear reader, I promise you; we are not here to figure out the how

We are here to watch it unfold. We watch by being still and knowing. The actions we do decide to take stem from the spirit of thanksgiving because we quite literally have it all and so we must become literate of this fact. The only thing to do is to take care of what we have. To love it. To nourish it. To till it. It's our only job. We are already fruitful and multiplying in every way imaginable.

Dear reader, if you see obstacles in your way, you are not doing your job. Go into your third space and get back to work. By third space, I mean the innerworkings of your mind. Go within and cast out the doubt. Go within and cast out the thoughts that cause you to go against your own wellbeing. That is the message in Ephesians 6:12. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

The highest place is where the ruler sits and that is in your very own mind. And the so called "enemy" you are running from is in there too. If you are reading this, you have probably already awoken from the Matrix. The orders seem to be coming from the outside, but we can only perceive things from within. Wake up Lazarus. When your spiritual eye opens, you realize that you can consciously drive this beast your soul is dwelling in. "Jesus answered them, 'Is it not written in your Law, "I said, you are gods?" If he called them gods to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be broken.'" John 10:34-35

Dear reader, the word of God has already come to all of us. We came to be by the word. Sound is the beginning of creation in spiritual teachings and natural science. The language of the whole world is the sound of creation. Be still and hear the sound in your mind. Learn to cultivate a sound mind. We are all here talking, buzzing, chirping, vibrating, spelling, and casting spells

Oh, dear reader, there is "life and death in the power of the tongue" and the truth is that we are gods here. We are all gods because the word of God is upon us. To speak life, we must speak with full Faith and knowing. The word of God is upon us and yet so many of us are full of doubt, resentment, and self-loathing. The question isn't how you will use this power because it is already happening every time you speak. The question is: what kind of god are you choosing to be? A god who speaks life? Or a god that speaks death? 

Dear reader, I urge you to ask yourself that question in every moment. And if you fall short, please get back up and try again and again. Renew your mind constantly. That is our only work and Faith is the only how.

Mika Vonshá


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