You're Not Creative.
Ye of little Faith. Ever had a thought? Ever had a thought become a word? Ever had a word become a sentence? Ever had that sentence become a conversation? Ever find harmony with someone in conversation and that conversation lead to harmonious movement into a similar direction in time and space? Ever have a thought lead to, I don't know, how about a sandwich? Ever had a problem? Ever tried to find a solution to a problem? Have you ever tried to make a homemade solution to a problem? Ever have your solution to a problem fail? Ever have to think of a different solution to a problem? Ever have to test multiple possible solutions for a single problem? Ever contemplate the structure of freedom? Have you ever been told you're free, but wonder why you feel imprisoned? Ever feel guilty for wanting more? Ever try to suppress or even kill off your own desires? Ever praised yourself for not falling into temptation? Have you ever given yourself a pat on the back for a job wel...